Filming at funerals

Our cameras observe without intruding

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We film without imposing on people’s privacy.

Our cameras are positioned at the rear and sides of the funeral.

Our focus is on the funeral service, rather than the faces of those in the congregation.

We use professional TV cameras with lenses that can zoom from these positions to get more intimate views of the celebrant, those giving eulogies and remembrances, musicians and the coffin.

Our microphones are all wireless. We provide a lapel-mic for the celebrant, a microphone for the lectern and other microphones for places where words are spoken or music is performed.

We talk through the funeral plans with you when you book to ensure we can plan our filming to discretely capture everything that will happen.

Phone 0421 628 842

Intimate video capturing important moments

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 Premium multi-camera filming

Up to three cameras and four microphones are used for filming and streaming our premium funeral packages

We always use at least two cameras, which are normally at the back and side of the venue.

One records the service in a wide-shot that takes in everything, while the other camera zooms in and rotates to capture close-ups of speakers, the celebrant, the coffin and the entry and exit.

This allows us to make a TV-style video, where we ‘dissolve’ between the different shots.

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All cameras and microphones are included in our package price.

We supply radio microphones for the celebrant, the lectern and other places where words are spoken or music is performed.

We are very conscious of not being intrusive or disrupting proceedings, and have compact equipment to reduce the space we require.

Our videographers are formally dressed, with name tags.

To move in, place our microphones, test our equipment and be ready to film before people begin arriving we arrive at the location:

  • 60 minutes before the funeral for filming a video

  • 90 minutes before for live streaming

Prior to the funeral we will talk with you about exactly what you want filmed. On the day we will follow that plan, so you don’t need to brief us again unless something has changed.

We’ll also have introduced ourselves to your funeral director, so if any issues arise for us we will first talk with them about resolving them.

During the service, you should not see very much of us. If we do need to move around to tend to equipment we do it discreetly and quietly.

After the service we do not need to check-in with you — we will simply pack-up our equipment and move on.

Our aim is to have as little impact on your day as we possibly can, as we go about our work.

But, of course, we are always delighted to meet you, show you what we are doing and discuss any last-minute requests.